Setting Up a New Wallet
Setting up a wallet on MetaMask
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Setting up a wallet on MetaMask
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Step 1: Download MetaMask from the AppStore (or PlayStore if an Android user). Make absolutely sure that the App is by MetaMask (iPhone AppStore) or ConsenSys (PlayStore). Once downloaded, open MetaMask and select "Create a new wallet".
Step 2: Enter your desired password, check the "I understand that MetaMask cannot recover this password for me." checkbox and tap "Create password".
Step 3: The next few steps are informative AND VERY IMPORTANT in terms of information. Read and understand them.
Step 4: Make sure that you write down the Seed Phrase somewhere safe. The order and phrases are all important. "Complete Backup" once done.
Losing your seed phrase means losing access to your wallet and ALL assets in there. Neither iBG nor MetaMask can help you retrieve your seed phrase. It is just impossible. So keep it safe.
Congratulations! Your MetaMask wallet on mobile is all ready to go!